Organizing Blog

A Majorly Organized Holiday Tale


'Twas the day before the holidays and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring except me and my mouse
As I clicked through my Pinterest page searching in vain
For organizing solutions that wouldn’t drive me insane.

My closets were packed to the gills with my stuff
Which I’d crammed into spaces (it was really quite tough)
But I had to make space for my visiting fam
I couldn’t let them know my clean counters were a sham!

I’d shoved all the laundry under the beds
And I stared at it all, shaking my head
“How will I do it?” I cried in distress
“I need someone to help me make sense of this mess!”

When from my front door, I heard the bell ring 
I sprang from chair to answer the thing 
There stood a woman dressed in camos and tee
“Hello!” she said brightly, “You called for me?”

Her toolkit was stocked, and her smile was so warm
I knew in a flash it was Major Mom!
With a gleam in her eye and Post-its in hand
“Don’t delay, let’s get organized!” was her command.

"Sort clothing! Sort paper! 
Sort boxes of stuff! 
Keep treasures only,
Enough is enough!

"To create calm from chaos,
We must first make the choice
To keep only what matters,
The rest is just noise. 

"From the depths of the cabinets,
The closets, the hall
We’ll throw away, give away, 
And organize all!"

A wink of her eye and a twist of her head
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread
She was helpful and kind, and gave me the nudge
I needed to start, without feeling judged.

We tackled my projects, one room at a time
And left each one organized - I was feeling just fine!
We containerized and labelled and finally were through
Just as my family’s arrival was due.

All donations were carted away in her car
To be used by those needing them both near and far.
And I heard her exclaim ‘ere she drove into the night
“Happy Holidays to all, with no clutter in sight!”