Organizing Blog

Home Organization Tips: Your Jumpstart to Getting On Track

The Major Mom Method (Illustrated With Candy)

This October 31, watch your kids as they instinctively use the S.T.E.P.S of the Major Mom Method™ to organize their Halloween treats. The Major Mom Method™ uses five simple steps to complete any organizing project. S.T.E.P.S. is an acronym that stands for Sort, Treasure, Establish Homes/Systems, Plan Your Containers, and Start New Habits.

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Holidays are not about the stuff

The average child gets about 70 toys a year. Surprised? It's not just children who are dealing with incoming things. Many adults feel that they are suffering from "possession overload," the problem of dealing with too much stuff--where they feel their life is taken up by maintaining and caring for things instead of people. Do you feel that way, too? (stats from Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic)

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Organize Your Road Trip

We are now well into summer and many families are planning summer road trips. They are a great way to save a little money while spending quality time with your family. However, if you’ve failed to organize it properly you may find you’re the time a little less than enjoyable. Here are some tips on keeping your family road trip a happy and safe one.

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Drop Everything! How to Organize your Drop Zone

With a new school year fast approaching, now is a perfect time to get your family’s drop zone in order. A drop zone is the place in your home where coats, backpacks, shoes and homework are picked up and dropped off each day.

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Drop Everything! How to Organize your Drop Zone

With a new school year fast approaching, now is a perfect time to get your family’s drop zone in order. A drop zone is the place in your home where coats, backpacks, shoes and homework are picked up and dropped off each day.

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Organize Your Road Trip

We are now well into summer and many families are planning summer road trips. They are a great way to save a little money while spending quality time with your family. However, if you’ve failed to organize it properly you may find it a little less than enjoyable. Here are some tips on keeping your family road trip a happy and safe one.

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Kid-Friendly Car Organizing Tips

Are you tired of being stressed out every time you get in your car? Are your frustrations growing because you're always driving or riding in a messy or cluttered car? Have you found yourself in a situation where you need a simple item immediately, but you just don't have it with you or can't remember where you put it? If your family is like mine (young, active and always on the go) a disorganized car can easily become an unnecessary challenge and source of repeated confusion, especially if your car is also the family car.

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Back to School Tips

When you think of " back to school," you think of routines, schedules, and of course, the endless list of supplies and or textbooks. With some planning, the start of the school year can be less stressful and easier on your pockets.

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Make Your Home Work for Homework

Organization is a critical life skill. As children get older, schools, teachers and we, their parents, expect more from them in terms of organization and responsibility. Teaching children to manage their homework – managing a calendar, reassembling notes, preparing for tests – is a life skill that will serve them long after they stop needing you to sign their permission forms and check their math. In order to help children learn how to organize and maintain a system, let’s apply the Major Mom Method to your student’s home office – the homework station.

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Top 8 Tips to Start the School Year Organized

Back to school time is quickly approaching! Children's schedules become busier, meaning there are more demands on parents' schedules. Oh, and remember all those papers that go along with school? Are you beginning to feel anxious knowing this time is near once again? Having systems in place for paper, homework, communication, and schedules can keep the stress that comes along with the school year to a minimum.

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