Organizing Blog
Are You Up For Downsizing?
Having to downsize is never easy, as it usually comes with the stress of a life transition such as changing careers, kids moving on, or elderly parents needing to be relocated. Learning to let go of non-essentials can be challenging, so we've prepared a few tips to help you with the process. Although downsizing can be a challenge, it can also be amazing to experience life without all those things you thought you couldn't "live without."
How-To's For Moving:
- PICTURE - Visualize the new rooms and how they can be set up to serve the needs of your family. Because the rooms are fewer and smaller, they may not function as they did in your previous home. It's time to get creative! What pieces are missing in the new home and what are some possible solutions or alternatives? For example, shelves may need to be installed in a laundry room to serve as the pantry. A dresser may be a solution to hold linens due to the lack of a linen closet.
- PLAN - The Space Plan is essential! Using the dimensions of the new rooms, determine if and how the big pieces of furniture will fit and where they will go. Once the big items are planned out, decide what activities and zones will be planned into each room. For example, a child's bedroom may need zones for clothes, crafts, playing, and reading. Develop an Action Plan to determine what packing supplies are needed, to schedule time for packing, and to enlist help from friends or family.
- SORT & TREASURE - Everything from your current home will not fit in your smaller home. It's best to downsize your possessions BEFORE you move and find yourself engulfed and overwhelmed in a small space. Sort all your like items together and decide what will go into the new house. Keep what you love, what you use, and what you need and donate the rest to families in need.
- PACKING AND THE MOVE - Begin packing the items you don't use on a daily basis and make sure to label each box with what room it needs to be moved into. This small task makes moving day much smoother, as it gets items directly into the rooms they need to be in. Keep a list of what is packed in each box so you can find something quickly when needed. No one wants to be in the midst of moving in and not be able to find the toilet paper!