Organizing Blog

The Pre-Christmas Purge


Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house
the clutter was piled (I'm blaming my spouse)!
The stockings weren't hung, they're still on the stair,
I hope that St. Nick will know that they're there!
Then what to my wondering eyes did appear
but the Major Mom team with their organizing gear!
They sorted and boxed and created labels galore
just in time for my family to receive even more!

Can you believe it? More is coming. This is the perfect time to do the "pre-Christmas purge." There are so many opportunities to bless others with our unwanted items.  Purging now can take the stress out of what is to come.
Here are some tips to help you let go of the old and make room for the new!

  1. Have each child sort their room. Once your children sort their items and see how much they have they are more likely to give unused items to the needy.
  2. Teach your family the gift of giving. Pick a local shelter or non-profit to acquaint your family with. When children see who they are helping it has a greater impact on their lives.
  3. Find YOUR treasures. The two greatest areas seen with unused items are our closets and our kitchens. Go through both and discover for yourself what it is you treasure. Release the rest to those who truly need your discards.  If you haven't used it or worn it in two years, chances are you are keeping it for the "just in case" that will never come.
  4. Reduce the Incoming. At times we focus on stuff and not one another. Instead of gifts try to plan a trip together. Time together is priceless. Those memories will last forever. Our stuff will break, get lost or lose its appeal.
  5. Take a Quick & Honest Inventory. Walk through your home and look at every item in each room.  Anything that reminds you of unpleasant times, people or places needs to be removed from the home and passed along to someone who will enjoy it.