Organizing Blog

Home Organization Tips: Your Jumpstart to Getting On Track

Conquer Those Cards!

Have you ever bought a card for a friend or loved one with the best intention of sending it to them for a special occasion? Then months (or years!) later you find that special card. You think to yourself, "If only I were more organized...." Well, you're in luck! Major Mom has ideas on organizing greeting cards so you do not forget those important occasions or miss opportunities to send those spur of the moment cards.

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Organize Your Medical Information

Have you ever rushed out the door for a doctor appointment and forgotten where you put your medications list? Do you know where all your kids' immunization records are located? Do you have every allergy memorized for all of your family members?

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Overwhelmed with Paper?

If you're struggling with paper in your home or office you are not alone! Paper clutter ranks as one of the top complaints Major Mom Liberators tackle with clients. Paper management can be daunting and very overwhelming. So many people feel they are drowning in paper piles!

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Optimize Your Home Office

To get the most out of your home office, you need to first determine how your office will serve you and your family’s needs. Make a list of the room’s purposes and rank them in order of importance.

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Pain-free Paperwork Purging

Although I usually recommend organizing one space in your home at a time, I am going to make an exception to that rule. Most likely your biggest nemesis in organizing your home is paper! At first it may seem innocent with one receipt here or one permission slip there. But before you know it, paper multiplies itself by the hundreds and overtakes your home like the infamous “blob” from a sci-fi movie. And because paper has most likely spread itself into every nook and cranny of your home, we are going to tackle this wild beast first.

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